Sunday, 5 June 2016

First Time Blogger

This is my first blog ever. After a lot of encouragement from my dear ones, I decided to give a shot at blogging. Wasn't too confident if my writing skills will interest audiences and hence had been putting off this idea for some time. But some recent motivation made me take this plunge :) So very obvious anticipation about, Will I be able to write a blog??? .... And that is exactly what I am writing about today.
I always had a thought that blogging is for intellectuals who have the ability to create content out of their experiences. But as I sit to write, I feel that may not be entirely true. Blogging is about expressing one's self. Putting simple words on what you think or what you know through your experience.
Each of us has unique skills and techniques which work best for us in our lives. Some are brilliant in detecting problems with the vehicles and maintaining them; some are amazing cooks and have great cooking secrets up their sleeve, whereas others know the best time management tips while handling carrier, home and kids. If you have used these skills with success, Why not share these life saving tips with others too.
Though I am not a pro yet in writing, am sharing some tips below from my own experience which will encourage others and help them get started:

  • A lot of websites are available to help you set up a blog and proof read your content. You can Google out and select the best that meets your requirements.
  • Chose a topic that you want to express your thoughts upon. You can start with a simple tip or a life hack for the first attempt.
  • In your mind put together a high level sequence of the subjects that you will cover in your post. This will allow you to stick to the topic and avoid any wandering of thoughts.
  • Keep it simple, no flowery language required.
  • Watch the length, too long maybe boring whereas too short may not give the required information.
  • You can also share your post with your close family/friends. Taking their opinion/thoughts on your posts will act as a motivation for you.
  • And the most important is being open for feedback. As first timer, you may or may not get a huge response, but getting started is the tiny step that you can take to introduce your thoughts to the world and atleast begin your journey.

So for all aspiring bloggers who are hesitant like I was one day….open up your thoughts and take a step closer to connect with the world through your knowledge.